January ’23 Blog

Well, Hello New Year!  What are you going to bring us, I wonder?

I can’t believe we’re half-way through January already, Christmas seemed to come and go in a whirl, although it was great fun with all the family here together.   I always think January is one of the toughest months – cold, wet and grey with no events to look forward to and the excitement of the festive holiday fading into the distance behind us.  (The picture is of Bertie and me all bundled up for a New Year walk across the moors).

I’m so used to writing academic articles after a 30 year career in university settings, that it seemed natural to write about my business – Yoga and Wellness.  I was delighted to receive an email off OM Yoga Magazine yesterday to inform me they had published my article, which I had forgotten all about.  It was a lovely surprise on a cold, grey, dull day!  Click here if you’d like to read it.

This January saw the start of the yoga sessions at Katham Yoga and Wellness Centre and what a great bunch of people have arrived through the doors.  All open to starting their yoga journey and learning together in a fun and supportive way.  I’ve set up WhattsApp groups for the different evenings, so that yogis can encourage one another throughout their time together and I can send motivational messages, asanas to try, and reminders to members.  It seems to be working well with some members beginning a daily practice, which is fantastic.

I’ve been continuing the wild swimming into January and whilst it’s screamingly cold (literally) on entering the water, we are all soon laughing and chatting together as we have a quick swim.  It’s so strange how the shock of the cold water turns to ecstasy within a few minutes as the body releases endorphins and the natural high begins.  So powerful, and always makes me marvel at how wonderful and mysterious our bodies are.

I’m collaborating with Rebecca from Earthly Healings to offer an Afternoon of Wellness here at Katham Yoga and Wellness Centre on February 26th, details in the Wellness Section of the menu or click here.  It will be a lovely mix of goodness, which includes a Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Oracle Cards, Readings, Journaling, Gentle Yoga, and Essential Oils.  We are organising it for 10 people, so book now to secure your place.  Only £30 for all this goodness.  We are both really excited to be working together on this project and Rebecca is so knowledgeable and passionate about both Sacred Cacao and Essential Oils, that it is a real pleasure and honour to be sharing this event with her.

Look after yourselves throughout January, it’s a tough month and can feel a little depressing at times.  Listen to your body and honour its needs.  We often want to take refuge in warmth and cosying up at home during this time, eating comfort foods and letting life be a little slower and that is perfectly fine and as it should be.  Let’s all go easy on the “coulda’, woulda’ shoulda’s” (I could tidy that cupboard instead of sitting here journaling; I would still fit in my jeans if I hadn’t eaten all that chocolate over the holidays; I should get off this sofa and go and do some exercise”, etc, etc). Spring will soon arrive with its new beginnings and that’s the real time to set our goals for the year ahead, I always think.  January seems to be a time to relax and replenish our energies; so let’s all be kind and cut ourselves a little slack – it is still the middle of winter after all.

All good things,

Jill x